A child’s first two years are critical for brain and language development. Our toddlers' program is designed to meet the needs of children from 15 months to 2 years old.
From birth, babies are busy, active learners, immediately exploring the sights, sounds, and textures of the world around them. Babies and toddlers are sensorimotor beings; they explore the world through their senses while developing motor skills. Long before they understand concepts like 'under' or 'far' with their minds, their bodies are learning to navigate the up, down, over, and under of the physical world, while their perceptions sort out sizes, colors, and shapes.
At LaughNLearn, we provide learners with what they need: a safe environment, rich with opportunities for active exploration, filled with books, songs, and plenty of listening and responding to their vocalizations and words.
A child’s second year is a time of significant change, much like adolescence in its transitional nature. Just as adolescence bridges childhood and adulthood, two-year-olds are moving from the total dependence of babyhood to the more independent, mobile world of preschoolers. At this age, children are exploring their ability to communicate, move with purpose, assert their independence and individuality, and manage important bodily functions.
At LaughNLearn, we provide the manageable challenges and relaxed environment that two- to three-year-olds need. Our staff understands the frequent changes in moods, interests, and capabilities, offering calm, consistent care and supportive teaching.
As children move into the independence of the preschool years, their learning program evolves into a more structured pace of meaningful and purposeful activities. At LaughNLearn, we encourage children to approach the world with curiosity and a positive attitude toward learning. At this stage, children need the confidence, skills, and desire to think independently, solve problems, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.
The LaughNLearn program is designed to lay the pedagogical foundations that prepare every child to:
Our unique LaughNLearn preschool activities focus on three core areas: LaughNLearn Readers, LaughNLearn Writers, and LaughNLearn Mathematicians. These programs are designed to foster a love of learning and prepare children for school. By following the Early Years Foundation Stage, our LaughNLearn Readers, Writers, and Mathematicians bring these standards to life, translating learning and development goals into meaningful and purposeful activities and experiences.
'Play is the work of the child.' — Maria Montessori, capturing the essence of learning!
We understand that children learn best through play, which is why we ensure they are provided with activities that engage and excite them. Our staff skillfully interweave learning outcomes into these activities, using actions, experiences, words, and open-ended questions to stretch and challenge the children. Natural interest and curiosity serve as a springboard for development in areas such as problem-solving, memory, and information processing.
We recognize each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interactions. As children grow older, and as their development progresses, there will be more adult-led activities to help them prepare for more formal learning and their transition to school.
Laugh N' Learn's programs will include:
We foster a culture of respect that values differences. Our environment is set up to identify individual’s special needs. When required, we liaise with other professionals to provide the required support, so that the child and their family can achieve their goals. If we cannot meet the family’s goals, we will do our best to facilitate another solution. Consult with our Curriculum Director who specializes in Applied Behavioural Analysis and children with special needs.
Click on the file below to see a typical day our learners will have at LaughN'Learn Oman.
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